Sinn Fein ard fheis is told that Cuban communists are leading the way for Irish republicanism – but that they face ‘counter-revolutionary’ elements

Matthew, the young delegate to the SF conference speaking about CubaMatthew, the young delegate to the SF conference speaking about Cuba
Matthew, the young delegate to the SF conference speaking about Cuba
There was an international dimension to Sinn Fein’s ard fheis on Saturday, with the issues of Palestine and Cuba both being raised.

Mary Lou McDonald began her speech by offering the following salutations: “Solidarity to all struggling for equality and justice!

“For Palestinian freedom! For an end to the illegal occupation and annexation of Palestinian lands! For an end to the brutal blockade of Cuba.”

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And a young delegate named Matthew at one stage took to the microphone to voice support for the government of Cuba, condemining “counter-revolutionary and imperialist“ attacks against it.

Addressing the audience as “comrades”, he said: “The revolution doesn’t just exist in material things – it also exists in the minds of the Cuban people, the very fabric of their society...

“They are the standard bearers for socialist national liberation movements like our own.”

He ended by invoking an old Cuban communist saying: “Patria o muerte” (fatherland or death).

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